2012-04-28 - WOD Trail with Mary


~3.5 miles @ ~13.5 min/mi

Another comparison test between Garmin and iPhone gives 3.58 miles vs. 3.63 miles respectively, well within expected errors. Mary Ewell, like Caren Jew, has The Eye for wildlife: she spies rabbits and a groundhog. Other pedestrians point out a woodchuck in a tree, apparently feasting on berries. Mary hasn't run for weeks so today is a comeback. After I visit with comrade Eugene Miya of NASA/Ames and drop him off at Dulles Airport for his flight back to the San Francisco area, I go to Mary's home. We talk about family, and then she drives us to the W&OD trail where we walk 10 minutes to warm up, run 10 minutes, then alternate 5 minutes running and running.

^z - 2012-05-11